Parents! We have reopened Infant - PreK nursery and K - 5th grade Kidz Church, Sunday's at 10AM!
We also have reopened K - 5th grade children's ministries, 6th - 12th grade youth ministries, and ages 18-33 young adult ministries on Wednesday's at 7PM!​
Follow us on social media by clicking the buttons above to stay in-tune with our Kidz Ministry!
Church live stream -
Sundays at 10AM
Wednesdays at 7PM
We highly encourage you as parents to use these resources, to continue to develop or begin to implement daily Bible study habits with your children and in your family as a whole. Below are some additional recommendations for all ages that can be enjoyed daily and will be especially helpful and doable with many parents working from home:
Download Bible app on the App Store on your phone, iPad, etc. Many translations are available within the app (ICB and NLT translation are easiest for children in our opinion). The app also offers Biblical video content for all ages.
Family devotion in the morning: Ask each member of the family prayer requests, pray over them, read a verse at breakfast, and go around the table and have everyone say what that verse means to them. Have some type of reward for those who can memorize the verse and say it without help by the end of the day.
Family devotion at lunch: Start with prayer, read a chapter or passage/story from the Bible, and go around the table and have everyone say one thing that God showed them.
Family devotion at dinner: Start with prayer, have each member of the family say a praise report (something good that God did that day), see who memorized the Bible verse and give a prize to all kids who memorized it without help.
Bedtime: Pray with all the children, consider reading a Bible story, or watching a Bible-based video before bedtime.
Print off Christian coloring sheets and worksheets for your kids to do.
Purchase a Christian book that the whole family can go through together.
Watch Christian movies with the family.
Please consider implementing as many of these habits as possible. These are simply good habits to keep Jesus Christ at the center of your family because "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand" (Mark 3:25 NIV).
Here is how to give your tithes and offering to Westside Family Worship Center via online:
Once again, we have reopened Kidz Church and look forward to seeing you in person.
With Love,
Westside Family Worship Center
904 - 771 - 6424